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Самвел Макян
Samvel Makian
Самвел Макян – художник, який у 90-х роках був відомий широкій київській публіці. Його яскраві експресивні роботи не залишали байдужими глядачів, любителів мистецтва, а також вітчизняних та зарубіжних колекціонерів.
Samvel Makian
Ukrainian, b. 1965
Samvel Makian is a contemporary painter best known for his colourful works.
Artistic activity focuses mainly on oil painting on canvas. The topics of his research are the relationship between reality and fantasy, feelings and emotions of people and animals.
He found himself in figurative art with abstract effects.
His paintings are in private collections in Ukraine, Germany, Sweden and USA